
位置:湖南师范大学自考网 > 2021年自考试题 > 基础英语自考真题及答案2021年4月份自学考试历年真题考试题目库


整编:湖南师范大学自考  时间:2021-06-13 18:36


  1 . On__________the mayor's office receives five lelters each day.

  A. regular

  B. average

  C. standard

  D. dlemand

  2. If you climb mountains in bad weather,you're really_________trouble.

  A. asking for

  B. going down、C. looking after、D. leading to

  3. The company is trying to develop a medical_________to help lower blood pressure.

  A. label

  B. flour

  C. device

  D. ingredlient

  4. China's large population is composed_________many nationalities.

  A. in

  B. of

  C. from

  D. by

  5. A strong and healthy body will help you_________stress.

  A. allow

  B. protect

  C. withstand

  D. exceed

  6. He had to make a great_________to be pleasant lo people he didnt like.

  A. habit

  B. practice

  C. effort

  D. power

  7. There are two_________kinds of defects : manufacturing defects and design defects.

  A. occasional

  B. efficient

  C. approximate

  D. principal

  8. The manager has__________for him to do technical work in the firm.

  A. invited

  B. arranged

  C. permitted

  D. required

  9. In the old days women's activities were__________to the household.

  A. controlled

  B. subjected

  C. confined

  D. aimed

  10. She lives within walking__________of her parents so she often visits them.

  A. district .

  B. coverage .

  C. space

  D. distance

  11. The economist suggests__________more money from east to west.

  A. applying

  B. passing .

  C. diverting

  D. arranging

  12. For centuries, our transportation system has been the__________of our economy .

  A. benefit

  B. backbone

  C. background

  D. barrier

  13. The dress fits me wonderfully, but the color is__________dark.

  A. therefore

  B. somewhat

  C. instead

  D. yet

  14. Canada is a(n)__________country with a high standard of living.

  A. domestic

  B. primitive

  C. overcrowding

  D. afluent

  15. Imported gods must be__________by the Customs Office.

  A. inspected

  B. granted .

  C. invested

  D. recalled


