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整编:湖南师范大学自考  时间:2021-04-28 18:04







  Animals in the City

  Recently, there have been many reports in newspapers and on TV about big animals coming into towns andcities. What happens when big animals come into our cities? ls it a good thing or is it dangerous for us andthe animals?

  Wild animals usually come into cities to look for food. In Cape Town, South Africa, baboons(狒狒)sometimescome into the suburbs. They eat fruit from gardens and go into people's kitchens! Baboons are strong animalsand sometimes they scare children and fight with pet dogs. Many people do not like them, but the city can bedangerous for baboons too.

  Sometimes, baboons are hurt in car accidents. The city council in Cape Town has a team of Baboon Monitors.Their job is to find baboons in the city and take them back to the countryside. The problem is that a lot ofbaboons will come back to the city to find food again.

  In Berlin Germany, groups of wild pigs sometimes come into the city to look for food. They eat flowers andplants and dig in gardens and parks in the city.They also walk in the street and cause traffic accidents. Somecity residents like the pigs and give them food.But the city council is worried about the traffic accidents. Theyhave told people to stop giving the pigs food and have put up fences to stop the pigs from coming into the city.In Moscow, Russia, there are 35,000 wild dogs. They live in parks, empty houses, markets and train stations.Some of the dogs were pets that people did not want, so they left them on the streets. Others were born on thestreets and have always lived there. A lot of people like them and are used to seeing them on the streets.Theygive the dogs food and water. They even build small huts for the dogs to live in during the very cold winter.

  1.【题干】Many news reports concern big animals in the city.


  A. True

  B. False

  C. Not Given


  【解析】原文说:Recently, there have been many reports in newspapers and on TV about big animals cominginto towns and cities.报道的是大型动物进入城市这一行为,而题干为报道的是在城市中的大型动物。含义不符

  2.【题干】wild animals often come into cities for the winter.


  A. True

  B. False

  C. Not Given


  【解析】文章第二段首句Wild animals usually come into cities to look for food.野生动物进入城市是为了寻找食物,并不是为了过冬。

  3.【题干】The food in kitchens can be bad for baboons.


  A. TrueB. False

  C. Not Given


  【解析】They eat fruit from gardens and go into people's kitchens!文章中只提到动物会跑进人们的厨房。并没有说厨房中的食物是否会对动物不好。

  4.【题干】Cape Town is a safe place for baboons.


  A. True

  B. False

  C. Not Given


  【解析】原文中表明the city can be dangerous for baboons too.因此Cape Town并不是安全的。

  5.【题干】Many baboons will return after being sent away from the city.


  A. True

  B. False

  C. Not Given


  【解析】原文表明The problem is that a lot of baboons will come back to the city to find food again,在将狒狒送回郊外后,很多会再次回到城市找食物。

  6.【题干】There are more wild pigs in Berlin now than in the past.


  A. True

  B. False

  C. Not Given


  【解析】文章中并未提到in the past在过去野猪进入城市的情况,因此无法进行对比

  7.【题干】wild pigs sometimes cause traffic problems in Berlin.



  B. False

  C.Not Given


  【解析】倒数第二段中,确实在柏林导致了交通事故They also walk in the street and cause traffic accidents.

  8.【题干】 Wild pigs started to come into Berlin years ago.


  A. True

  B. False

  C. Not Given



  9.【题干】No one knows the number of wild dogs in Moscow.


  A. True

  B. False

  C. Not Given


  【解析】原文给出了野狗的数量In Moscow,Russia, there are 35,000 wild dogs.

  10.【题干】Some people help the wild dogs survive the cold winter.


  A. True

  B. False

  C. Not Given


  【解析】They give the dogs food and water. They even build small huts for the dogs to live in during the verycold winter.一些人会给狗建造狗窝过冬



  What Happens When You Stop Exercising

  Have you ever wondered what would happen if you stopped exercising? A new study on twins was publishedin the journal Medicine & Science. The results of the study are dramatic.

  In the study, researchers looked at 10 pairs of twin men.Each set of twins was in their mid-30s. Each had beenbrought up in the same family. Since they were identical, they shared the same DNA. They had maintainedthe same level of physical activity for most of their lives.

  But there was one difference.One twin of each set had cut on exercising in the past few years due to work orfamily pressure.On average, the less active twin exercised less than twice a week, while the active twinexercised at least twice a week. The research team put each twin through a set of medical tests to study theiroverall health.

  The results showed big differences.While the more active twins had lower body fat percentage,betterendurance level, and normal sensitivity, the inactive twins had about seven more pounds of body fat, worseendurance, and signs of disease. Not only were their bodies different; their brains were different as well. Theactive twins had more gray matter (the information processing part of the brain), particularly in areas thatcontrol balance.

  The conclusion of the study is clear. Quitting your fitness routine can bring negative effects to your body and your brain as well.Considering the less active twins in the study had become couch potatoes(沉溺于看电视的人) only recently, these changes can sneak up on you a lot sooner than you'd think.So keep exercising.lt is beneficial to your overall health!

  11.【题干】This text is mainly about_


  A. the importance of DNA

  B. the role of exercise

  c. the birth of a new journal

  D. the difference between twins


  【解析】文章标题为What Happens When You Stop Exercising,可知主要内容与锻炼有关。

  12.【题干】Researchers chose twins for their study mostly because they_____


  A. shared the same DNA

  B. looked alike

  c. had the same lifestyle

  D. grew up together


  【解析】文章第二段给出原因Since they were identical, they shared the same DNA. They had maintainedthe same level of physical activity for most of their lives.因此选择A选项

  13.【题干】The twins in the study differed in_


  A. sleeping habits

  B. exercise frequency

  c. working hours

  D. food preference


  【解析】文章原文But there was one difference.One twin of each set had cut on exercising in the past fewyears due to work or family pressure.表明,区别在于在过去的几年里,由于工作或家庭的压力,每组双胞胎中有一人减少了锻炼。

  14.【题干】The study found that the more active twins became_:


  A. less creative

  B. less sensitive

  C. more emotional

  D. more endurable


  [解析]原文中说While the more active twins had lower body fat percentage, better endurance level, and normal sensitivity,因此选择D选项

  15. [题干] The phrase“"sneak up on”(Para .4) most probably means___.


  A. protect

  B. atack

  C. affect

  D. beneft


  [解析] Qutting your fitness routine can bring negative fiects to your body and your brain as well文中最后一段表明放弃你的健身习惯会给你的身体和大脑带来负面影响。these changes can smneak up on you alot sooner than you'd think.这些变化会比你想象的更早地__你。根据前文可知。这些变化会造成负面影响,因此排除AD选项。sneakuon?偷地接近与C选项影响更贴近


  阅读下面短文,请完成短文后的2项测试任务: (1)从第16-19题后所给的s个选项中为第①~④段每段选择1个正确的小标题: (2)从第20- _25题后所给的7个选项中选择6个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。

  Surviving llness Away From Home

  Being il is a horible thing at the best of times, but what is even worse is when you are ill away from home.If you're living away from home or abroad, its important to get blter at your own pace in order to ensure you can enjoy the rest of your time away,

  ①Pampering (娇惯) yourself is always a good start. If you feel so ill and tired that you can't even get out of bed, then don'! Make a trip to the kitchen and stock up on fluids and try to make yourself some hot food The key to getting better is to drink lots of fluids. Water and hot drinks such as green tea and soup are usually the best things.

  ②Try to distract yourself from feeling horrible. If you have a TV, watch one of your favorite films or TV series. If you don't have a TV, maybe put the radio on. If you have a headache and all the noise is too much to handle, try reading the book you've always wanted to read but never had the time to. Being ill docsn't have to be the worst day in the world!

  3.Tell your friends and fumily that you are il. Sometimes there is nothing better than hearing words of comfort fiom loved ones who feel sorry for you and want to cheer you up and make you happy. There is nothing wrong with a lttle attention from others when you're il. Who knows, they might even be willing to travel and visit you with lots of "Get Well" presents like your favorite food, magazine or flowers.

  ④When you do arive at a new place where you will be staying for a few months, make sure you know exactly where the nearest dnugstore is. If you are in a foreign country, it might be best to translate a few useful phrases before you start asking for a cure.

  Task 1

  16. [题干] Parngraph①___


  A. Taking good care of yourself

  B. Staying in bed for the entire day

  C. Taking your atention away from ilness

  D. Knowing where and how to get medicine

  E. Informing friends and family or your ilness

  [答案] A

  [解析]第一-段第一句Pampering (娇惯) yourself is alwaysa good start.娇惯自己,在生病的时候躺在床上。做点热乎的饭菜,喝点热水等等都表明,应该在生病的时候好好照顾自己。

  17. [题干] Paragraph②_


  A. Taking good care of yourself

  B. Staying in bed for the entire day

  C. Taking your atention away from ilness

  D. Knowing where and how to get medicine

  E. Informing friends and family or your ilness

  [答案] C

  [解析]第二段首句Try to distract yourself from felig hrrible表明试着让自己从糟糕的感觉中转移注意力。因此选择C选项

  18. [题干] Panagraph③_


  A. Taking good care of yourselfr

  B. Staying in bed for the entire day

  C. Taking your attention away from ilness

  D. Knowing where and how to get medicine

  E。 Infoming fiends and family or your ilness

  [答案] E

  [解析]第三段首句Tell your friends and family that you are il. E选项正确

  19. [题干] Paragraph④_


  A. Taking good care of yourself

  B. Staying in bed for the entire day

  C. Taking your atention away from ilness

  D. Knowing where and how to get medicine

  E. Infoming friends and family ou your ilness

  [答案] D

  [解析]第四段首句When you do arrive at a new place where you will be staying for a few months, make sure you know exacly where the nearest dnugstore is.当你到达-一个你要待几个月的新地方时。确保你确切知道最近的药店在哪里。因此选择D选项


  20. [题干] Being sick away from home is.


  A. ask for medicine

  B. at your own pace

  C. water and hot drinks

  D. aterrible experience

  E. ata nearby drugstore

  F. read your favorite book

  G. suffer fom a cold

  [答案] D

  [解析] Being ill is a horible thing at the best of times, but what is even worse is when you are il away from home.第一段首句:即使在最好的情况下生病也是一件可怕的事,但更糟糕的是你又生病了,又不在家。因此生病不在家是一一件可怕的事情,选择D选项。

  21. [题干] You are advised to recover,


  A. ask for medicine

  B. at your own pace

  C. water and hot drinks

  D. a trrible experience

  E. ata nearby dnugstore

  F. read your favorite book

  G. suffer from a cold

  [答案] B

  [解析] it's important to get better at your own pace in order to ensure you can enjoy the rest of your time away. recover恢复= get btter因此选择B选项

  22. [题干] The best cure for ilness is.


  A. ask for medicine

  B. at your own pace

  C. water and hot drinks

  D. aterible experience

  E. at a nearby drugstore

  F. read your favorite book

  G. suffer from a cold

  [答案] C

  [解析] Water and hot drinks such as green tea and soup are usually the best things因此选择C选项

  23. [题干] If you Cannot bear the noise from TV,


  A. ask for medicine

  B. at your own pace

  C. water and hot drinks

  D. a trrible experience

  E. at a nearby drugstore

  F. read your favorite book

  G. suffer fom a cold

  [答案] F

  [解析] If you have a headache and all the noise is too much to handle, try reading the book you've always wanted to read but never had the time to如果觉得电视的声音太吵闹,那就读一 本你一直想读的书

  24. [题干] A few useful tanslated phrses help you .


  A. ask for medicine

  B. at your own pace

  C. water and hot drinks

  D. aterrible experience

  E. ata nearby drugstore

  F. read your favorite book

  G. suffer fom a cold

  [答案] A

  [解析] If you are in a foreign country, it might be best to translate a few useful phrases before you start asking foracure.如果你在国外,在你寻求治疗之前最好翻译一些有用的短语。asking for a cure ask for a medicine

  25. [题干] You can buy medicine.


  A. ask for medicine

  B. at your own pace

  C. water and hot drinks

  D. aterrible experience

  E. ata ncearby drugstore

  F. read your favorite book

  G. suffer fom a cold

  [答案] E

  [解析] When you do rrive at a new place where you will be staying for a few months, make sure you know exactly where the nearest drugstore is. dnugstore药店,你可以在药店买药。



  Swiss Banks

  Swizerland is wll-known for chocolate and its watch-making industry. It is even more famous for its unique banking and financial system______(26)

  Banking in Switzerland goes back to the 18th century. In the past, not only rich people but also dictators (独裁者)kept their money in Swiss banks. During WorldWar II German Nazis (纳粹) put

  much of their money in Switzerland.______(27) Swiss banks are popular for many reasons.______(28) It cnjoys one of the highest per

  capita (人均) incomes in the world. It has been neutal for many centuries, especially during the two world wars. In addition, the Swiss franc is one of the most stable curencies in the world.Most importantly, Swiss banks follow very strict privacy rules. In 1934, a law was passed that forbade Swiss banks to reveal the names of account holders.______(29) Ifa Swiss banker reveals a person's bank account without permission, he or she commits a crime. Such regulations have made

  Switzerland a popular destination for many people.Lately, however, the Swiss govemment has been under heavy pressure fom other countries.______(30) They want the banks to reveal the names of possible criminals.

  26. [题干] 26.


  A. They urge it to change is bank laws.

  B. Banks strictly protect the privacy of their clients.

  C. Private banking has a long traditio in the country.

  D. Banks play an important role in Sw itzerland's economy.














  31-35: KEIHG














  给 John 电邮,要你为他介绍(Traditional Chinese Festival)

  ① 节日名称

  ② 节日由来

  ③ 人们如何庆祝这一节日


  Dear Mike,

  How is everything going? I am writing this email to introduce the Spring Festival.

  There are many festivals in China, such as the Spring Festival, the Qingming Festival,the Mid- autumn Festival and National Day. Each festival has its own uniqueness, but I prefer the Spring Festival rather than others. It is the most interesting festival in China.

  When I was little, I did not know how to celebrate the Spring Festival. My mum made new clothes and a lot of delicious food for us. AfterI grow up,I do the same thing for my boy as well.It is not only interesting, but also good for our family.It helps us to get closer with our family.

  Ifyou have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let me know. l look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, LiKe

