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整编:湖南师范大学自考  时间:2022-06-09 16:37

  第一部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分 50 分)

  第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2. 5 分, 满分 37. 5分)

  阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


  What's On In Hong Kong

  Whether it's music, art, stage, screen, restaurant and bar deals, or the great outdoors---there's always something interesting going on in Hong Kong.

  *Tim Yip: Blue—Art, Costumes and Memory*

  What A well-known visual artist, costume designer, and art director for stage and film (particularly on his work for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon、for which he won an Oscar), Tim Yip has been a proud promoter of eastern aestheticism(唯美主义)for 30 years. For his first large-scale personal exhibition in Hong Kong. Yip explores the nature of human imagination and the depths of the subconscious mind.

  Where HKDI Gallery, Hong Kong Design Institute

  When Until March 31, 2022

  *Alice's Adventure at Starlight Garden*

  What Introduced last year, this exhibition became a huge hit, with more than 6, 000 photos and videos posted online every day. Created by 27 multimedia digital artists from Korea, the exhibition features a 30-foot rabbit hole for visitors to explore the fantasy world made famous in the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

  Where New Town Plaza, 18 Sha Tin Centre Street, Sha Tin

  When Until January 13, 2022

  *Travel in Our Minds*

  What This exhibition of sculpture aims to present ideas of . theatricality, the fantastical, travel and exchange, with statues that take the forms of humans and animals. Made by artist Ethan Murrow, these objects are inspired by puppetry(木偶), music, trade, navigation and beyond, with intertwining effects of materiality, sound and imagination.

  Where Duddell's, Level 3, Shanghai Tang Mansion

  When Until February 10, 2022

  *Garth Weiser*

  What Simon Lee Gallery presents an exhibition of new work by Garth Weiser, the New York City-based artist's third show with the gallery. Weiser has a reputation for mixing up the lines between painting and sculpture, using thick color to create paintings on which he leaves behind a collection of unique lines, curves and slashes.

  Where 12 Pedder Street, Central

  When May 15-June 27

  21. Where can we find the fashion design?

  A. In HKDI Gallery. B. In Duddell's.

  C. In 12 Pedder Street. D. In New Town Plaza.

  22. What highlights Alice's Adventure at Starlight Garden?

  A. Creating multimedia digital.

  B. Enjoying photos and videos online.

  C. Exploring a 30-foot rabbit hole.

  D. Discovering the nature of human imagination.

  23. What type of writing is this text?

  A. An art show review. B. An exhibition guide.

  C. An announcement. D. An official report.


  With three young children It is unlikely to have been an undertaking for which Kate needed much preparation.

  But Kate, the Duchess(公爵夫人)of Cambridge, will read a CBeebies Bedtime Story for Children’s Mental Health Week in which she Intends to inspire youngsters across the country. She has chosen The Owl Who as Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson for the Growing Together" theme on the children's television channel.

  It tells of a baby owl called Plop who is helped by others to grow in confidence and overcome his fears. A photograph of the reading shows the duchess looking relaxed in a fashion sweater in cream, which costs £79, and jeans. She is sitting outside on a blanket by a campfire and a den(兽窝)made from logs, built at Kensington Palace for the reading. Several owls are placed around tree trunks in front of a starry night-time backdrop.

  The duchess is the royal sponsor of Plce2Be, a children's mental health charity, and first lunched Children's Mental Health Week with it in 2015. This year will focus on encouraging children and adults to consider how they have grown emotionally and "recognizing that trying new things can help people move beyond their comfort z0nes".

  Kate has long been committed to raising awareness of the importance of early childhood experiences. Patricia Reina, director of BBC children's education, said:- It's such a special and relevant tale and perfectly represents this year's Children's Mental Health Week theme. I can't wait to see her deliver her own take on such a classic story and I'm sure our audience can’t either.

  The duchess personally chose the book because it is a title she likes reading with her own children, having enjoyed a longer version of the book when she was young.

  24. Which of the following best describes Kate's reading show?

  A. Costly. B. Controversial. C. Time-consuming. D. Labour-saving.

  25. What does paragraph 3 intend to tell us?

  A. To show concern for the baby owl's home.

  B. To describe the baby owl's fears of dark nights

  C. To share a photograph of the reading show.

  D. To introduce the setting of the reading show.

  26.Why did Kate participle in the reading show?

  A. She expects to have a good reputation,

  B. She hopes to encourage children to move forward

  C. Place2Be has agreed, her to read the story.

  D. Many children are suffering mental problems

  27 What can we learn about Kate-from the passage?

  A. She is skilled in reading stories.

  B. She has made the show in the wild.

  C. She has ever read the story to others.

  D. She has helped the baby owl overcome his fears.


  Plastic recycling is a hot topic, But what's the real face behind if? You diligently sort your rubbish; you dutifully wash your plastic container; then everything gets thrown in a landfill or in the ocean anyway, According to one aalyx1s, only 9% of all plastic ever made has likely been recycled. Here' the kicker: the companies making all that plastic have spent millions on advertising campaigns lecturing us about recycling while knowing full well that most plastic will never be recycled.

  A new investigation by National Public Radio (NPR) and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)reports that the large oil and gas companies that manufacture plastics have known for decades that recycling plastic was unlikely to ever happen on a broad scale because of the-high costs involved. "They were not interested in putting any real money or effort into recycling because they wanted to sell raw material, "Larry Thomas, former president of one of the plastic industry's most powerful trade groups, told NPR. There is a lot more money to be made in selling new plastic than reusing the old stuff. But, in order to keep selling new plastic, the industry had to clean up its wasteful image. "If the public thinks that recycling is working, then they are not going to be so concerned about the environment, "Thomas noted.

  We have been successfully convinced that people start pollution and people can stop It and that if we just recycle more, the planet will be OK. To some degree, that s right there must be a level of personal responsibility when It comes to the climate emergency. We all have to do our part. But individual action is a tiny drop in a heavily polluted ocean. We need systematic change to make a real difference. And, more than anything, we need to change what we value.

  28. According to the text, what does the underlined word "kicker" probably mean?

  A. A player who kicks the football.

  B. An event that is controversial.

  C. An action that is taken to start a plan quickly.

  D. A discovery that is unpleasant and unexpected.

  29. Which best describes Larry Thomas' opinion on plastic recycling?

  A. Plastic recycling is necessary and effective.

  B. Large amounts of money are spent on recycling.

  C. The companies try to promote the sales of new material.

  D. The companies prefer to sell recycled material rather than new materials.

  30. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

  A. Most people have a sense of responsibility.

  B. Plenty of rubbish is dropped into the ocean.

  C. Fighting against pollution calls for joint efforts.

  D. Systematic change was made to reduce pollution.

  31. Which is probably the best title for the text?

  A. Plastic recycling: a trick in industries.

  B. Plastic recycling: a benefit to the public.

  C. Plastic recycling: a way to reduce pollution.

  D. Plastic recycling: a popularity among people.


  In November 2019, a scientist was sitting in the jungle of Gabon, watching a chimpanzee inspect her son's wounded foot. Suddenly, she quickly caught an insect out of the air, squeezed it in her mouth, and then put it carefully in the cut. In the months that followed, the scientists followed chimpanzees with a wound. Repeatedly, they saw them put insects into it-- applying, removing and reapplying them to the injury as If squeezing out the goodness.

  They were, the scientists guessed, using the insects to medicate. "What we think Is that maybe they're mixing it with their saliva(唾液)and pressing something out of the insect", said Simone Pika, from the University of Osnabruck, in Germany. There are some substances that might have anti-inflammatory(消炎的)or pan-killing functions. "

  The findings have been published in the journal Current Biology. It is the first time that such behavior has been documented in chimpanzees, although other apes have been known-to "self-medicate" using plants.

  So far. the researchers haven't found out how chimpanzees formed such behavior. Pika thinks it is possible that the behavior developed by chance, perhaps because a chimpanzee rubbed an insect into a wound for fun but accidentally found T helped relieve the pain, or seemed to make it heal faster. Afterwards, others may have copied it.

  Now Pika and her colleagues want to try to identify the insect and work out what it does. Another option, she admits, is that the insect makes no difference at all, and it is simply a cultural practice that has become fashionable. While it might seem odd that chimpanzees would rub insects into their wounds, we fail to judge whether it is helpful in healing the injuries.

  32. Why did chimpanzees apply insects to wounds according to the scientists?

  A. For experiment. B. For amusement.

  C. For physical growth. D. For medical treatment.

  33 What does paragraph four mainly talk about?

  A. The effective cures for chimpanzees' injuries.

  B. The possible explanation for chimpanzees' behavior.

  C. The solutions for chimpanzees to prevent insect bites.

  D The function of the insects to treat chimpanzees' wounds.

  34. What is the author's attitude to the chimpanzees' behavior?

  A. Uncertain. B. Convinced. C Negative. D. Critical.

  35. Which is the author's purpose in writing the text?

  A. To persuade readers to care more about chimpanzees.

  B. To inform readers of chimpanzees' strange behavior.

  C. To tell readers insects can relieve pain and treat injuries.

  D. To encourage readers to observe chimpanzees in the wild.

  第二节 (共 5小题, 每小题 2. 5分, 满分 12. 5分)

  阅读下列短文, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有两项为多余选项。

  The popularity of Facebook has caused a shift in how people realize themselves; the "like" button has become nothing more than a self-esteem(自尊)booster. 36__________. It can take years and years, but there are shortcuts you can use to achieve it.

  37__________________. You're not arrogant(自大的) if you love yourself. In fact, arrogance is often the foundation of low self-esteem and insecurity. Try this exercise: stand in front of the mirror and tell your reflection everything you love about yourself. Accept what you don't like about yourself. This may feel uncomfortable at first, but change often does.

  Do you socialise with negative people? 38__________. This may seem unfair, but those negative people will simply strengthen what you don't like about yourself. People like to socialise with happy, positive people. The happiest people in life are the ones that look at what they have, not what they don't have.

  There are a lot of people who aren't aware they have a negative voice in their head. 39__________

  Whenever you hear a negative comment, immediately replace it with a positive one. Your brain is like a computer: whatever command you input, it responds, so if you ask it a question like "why do I always mess up?" your brain will find plenty of examples to support it.

  Celebrating your successes is another good way. We're often so busy in life that we seldom take the time to stop and really reflect on what we've achieved. Take the time once a day to ask yourself what you're proud of having achieved that day.

  40_________________. Remember that it's not the outcome that's always important, but the process.

  A. Learn to love yourself.

  B. Catch your negative self-talk.

  C. Appreciate how far you've come.

  D. If so, consider finding new friends,

  E, When self-esteem is high, we lose our fear of envy

  F. Of course not, few people like socialising with negative people.

  G. But what's important is to develop high self-esteem from inner.

  第二部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)

  第一节∶(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分 15分)

  阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

  The home crowd erupted when China's Gu Ailing won the women's big air free skiing gold in Beijing.

  With the 41 score of 188. 25 points, Gu came back from third place to take gold as the event 42 its first Olympic appearance. Gu got 93. 75 points in her smooth first attempt,43 accomplishing what contributed to her World Cup success in US, 2021. Then, under the 44 of getting only 88. 50 points in the second run. she fascinated everyone with the biggest turn of the event in her third one, 45 94. 50 points.

  "It all paid of! I've dreamt about it for years!" said Gu Ailing

  With a Chinese mother and an American father, Gu was born and 46 in San Francisco, She got trained as an athlete in US. 47, it was shocking news to US sports experts that she announced in 2019 that she would . 48 China, for it's her dream.

  Gu is outstanding in both skiing and academic performance. She graduated from the San Francisco University High School. Then, boasting a

  49 SAT score of 1580 out of a possible 1600, she is enrolled at Stanford University, where she is 50 start her studies in the fall of 2022.

  She 51 herself in just two years of international competition, winning her first World Cup event in 2019 before 52 gold medals at the 2020 Winter Youth Olympics.

  She tries to inspire youngsters to step out of the comfort zone by setting examples, Gu remarks, "Meeting difficulty in skiing with 53 arms, I hope to improve my performance and win more gold medals. "Besides, she also says her biggest 54 has always been herself while overcoming hardship and challenging the 55.

  41. A. rareB. importantC. extraD. combined

  42. A. workedB. madeC. showedD. built

  43. A. interestinglyB. slightlyC. easilyD. certainly

  44. A. pressureB. applauseC. controlD. cheers

  45. A. creatingB. scoringC. beatingD. arriving

  46. A. broughtB. nursedC. raisedD. cared

  47. A. OtherwiseB. BesidesC. HoweverD. Therefore

  48. A. compete forB. apply forC. team up withD. catch up with

  49. A. nationalB. reasonableC. poorD. remarkable

  50. A. used toB. likely toC. due toD. owing to

  51. A. achievedB. establishedC. declaredD. provided

  52. A. gainingB. maintainingC. prayingD. demanding

  53. A. strongB. openC. foldedD. brave

  54. A. rivalB. partnerC. playerD. friend

  55. A. newB. fantasticC. terribleD. impossible

  第二节 (共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)

  阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

  The Tianshan Tuomuer Grand Canyon is about 25 kilometers long from east to west and 20 kilometers wide from north to south. It consists of three main 56________(valley)in the shape of the Chinese character "川". 57________(locate)in the northwest of Xinjang at the foot of Tuomur Peak, it is also known 58__________ "Kuduluk Grand Canyon", 59__________ means "hilling and mysterious "in Uygur(维吾尔语). It is the only way to the ancient post road in the northern and southern Tianshan Mountains.

  On June 21, 2013, the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang 60__________(list) as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site. The area in which the Tuomur Grand Canyon lies is the 61________ (large) among the four places in the Tianshan Mountains, 62__________ (account) for 59. 87 percent of the whole site.

  With its red canyons set against the snow-capped mountains in the distance, the dreamlike landscape 63_______(complete)makes visitors lost in the beautiful and impressive view of nature. At night, you can see the stars. Remember that the temperature difference there is very large. While wearing short sleeves at noon, evenings may require 64_______ down jacket and other warm clothes. There is no tour bus service, but visitors can drive to the canyon by 65_________ (they) or hire a bus Apart from it, Xinjiang is in possession of many appealing tourist spots, attracting a good number of visitors at home and abroad.

  第三部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)

  第一节 (满分15分)

  假定你是学生会主席, 最近你校将举行以"参加一项体育运动"为主题的倡议活动。请你代表学生会给你校的国际交换生写一封倡议书, 内容包括∶

  1. 活动目的;2. 活动内容; 3. 呼吁参与。

  注意∶1. 写作词数应为80左右;2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。

  Dear international exchange students,

  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Students' Union


  阅读下面材料根据其内容和所给及落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

  "Mary, I hate to call Rob in the mornings. He’s growing so fast and he needs his sleep. If you could see how sound he sleeps when l go m to wake him up! I wish I could manage alone. "

  "Well, you can't, Adam. "His mother's voice was quick and light. "Besides, he isn't a child any more. It's time he took his turn. "

  "Yes, "his father said slowly, "But I sure do hate to wake him. "

  A few days before Christmas that year when he was fifteen, Rob heard these words. and something in him spoke: his father loved him! He had never thought of that before, for neither his father nor his mother talked about loving their children—they had no time for such things. There was always so much to do on the farm.

  They were poor, and most of the excitement for Christmas was in the turkey and the pies his mother made. His sisters sewed presents and his mother and father always bought him something he needed, not only a warm jacket, maybe, but something more, such as a book. And he saved and bought them each something, too.

  He had gone to the ten-cent store and bought a tie as usual. It had seemed nice enough until he lay thinking the night before Christmas. He wished that he had a better present for his father.

  A thought struck him like a silver lightning. Why should he not give his father a special gift in the barn(牛棚)?He could getup early, earlier than four o'clock and he could move quietly and slowly into the barn and get all the milking done. He'd do it alone, milk and clean up, and then when his father went in to start the milking, he'd see it all done. He laughed to himself as he gazed at the stars, it was what he would do, and he mustn't sleep too sound.


  1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150左右;

  2. 续写部分分为两段, 每段的开头语已为你写好。

  Paragraph 1

  At a quarter to three, he got up and put on his clothes.


  Paragraph 2:

  Back in his room, he had only a minute to pull off his clothes in the darkness and jumped into bed, for he heard his father up.



  第一部分 阅读(共两节, 满分 50 分

  第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2. 5 分, 满分 37. 5 分)

  阅读A∶21-23 ACB

  阅读B∶24-27 CDBC

  阅读D∶32-35 DBAB

  阅读C∶ 28-31 DCCA

  第二节 (共5小题, 每小题 2. 5 分, 满分 12. 5分)

  七选五 36-40 GADBC

  第二部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)

  第一节∶(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)


  41-45 DBCAB 46-50 CDADC51-55 BABAD

  第二节 (共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)


  56. valleys 57. Located 58. as59. which 60. was listed

  61. largest62. accounting63. completely 64. a65. themselves

  第三部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)


  Dear international exchange students,

  A campaian named Doing A Sport is being launched in our school, aiming to enrich our school life and strengthen our bodies.

  Currently, students tend to spend time on digital devices rather than sports after class, causing problems like more shortsightedness and frequent colds. Therefore, every student is recommended to take up a sport. athletics or b all games. To make it more likely to work wonders in improving our physical health, we're supposed to practice on a daily basis

  It's high time we dropped our smart phones and took action. Come on an d share your sport practices on the school website.

  Students' Union

  第二节 ∶(满分25分)

  Possible version: (165 word)

  At a quarter to three, he got up and put on his clothe. He crept downstairs careful of the creaky boards, and let himself out. The cows looked at him, sleepy and surprised. It was early for them, too. He had never milked all alone before, but the task went more easily than he had ever known it to go before. Milking for once was not a chore. It was something else, a gift to his father w ho loved him. He finished, the two milk cans were full, and he covered them and closed the milkhouse door carefully.

  Back in his room, he had only a minute to pull off his clothes in the darkness and jumped into bed, for he heard his father up. The door opened and his father woke him as usual. "Aw-right, " he said sleepily. The door closed and he la y still, laughing to himself. Then a few minutes later, the door opened again and his father was standing by his bed, feeling for him, pulling away the cover. "Rob, I thank you. Nobody ever did a nicer thing. ", He found his father and he ld him tightly in a great hug. "It's for Christmas, Dad!-His heart was bursting with love.




  二、内容协同∶从前文提到的儿子希望给父亲不一样的圣诞礼物可知, 儿子R ob想在圣诞节早上提前帮辛劳的父亲把牛奶挤好, 给他一个惊喜。Rob最近早起帮忙, 可推断他对于milking的工作有一些了解, 因此续文段落1着重描写Ro b挤牛奶以及挤完牛奶后做了什么, 续文段落2应该以父亲和Rob的互动为主要描写对象, 突出父亲发现牛奶已经被挤好后的感动, 并回归到父子在互动中感受到的父子之爱。特别注意∶Rob的家庭本身就不富裕(poor), 如果牛奶挤不好会造成实际的经济损失, 会让家庭雪上加霜。因此这篇文章最好的写法是R ob成功帮助父亲挤好了牛奶, 真正帮助了父亲, 而不是一些同学可能会写的挤奶过程中出现各种状况, 否则对于一个贫穷的家庭来说, 尤其是圣诞的早上, 再多的爱也很难高兴得起来。









  From Zero to Hero: Italy’s Chinese Help Beat Coronavirus



  When Chinese-born businessman Luca Zhou flew home from China on Feb 4 to rejoin his family in Prato, Italy, he put himself straight into quarantine (隔离) in his bedroom for 14 days, 1 from his wife and son. “We had learned about the COVID-19 disease and known what was 2 in our homeland and we were 3 for ourselves, our families and friends,” said the 56-year-old, who has a 4 exporting Italian wine to China.



  After emerging 5 his self-quarantine, he walked outside in 6 and gloves. He said the few other Chinese on the 7 also wore them, 8 not to communicate the virus to others. “My 9 friends looked strangely at me. I tried many times to 10 to them that they should wear them…but they didn’t 11 ,” Luca said. “When I came back to Prato, no Italian authority told me anything. We did it all by ourselves. If we had not done it, we would all be infected (感染), Chinese and Italians.”



  Back from new year holidays in China, many were fully aware what was coming and 12 the word: stay home. So as Italians headed to the ski slopes and 13 into cafes and bars as 14 , the Chinese inhabitants (居民) of Prato had seemingly 15 .



  As Italian infections began to 16 in late February and early March, some families, many of whom keep Chinese citizenship, even began 17 children to relatives in China, alarmed at the 18 and behavior of Italians around them.



  Soon the disease took away many lives and perhaps it was then 19 the locals began to realize how 20 and wisely the Chinese were behaving.



  1.A.appointed B.kept C.interrupted D.separated



  2.A.happening B.storing C.developing D.considering



  3.A.surprised B.afraid C.eager D.ashamed



  4.A.business B.mission C.problem D.tradition



  5.A.through B.in C.from D.for



  6.A.vest B.mask C.blanket D.ambulance



  7.A.courts B.yards C.poles D.streets



  8.A.anxious B.upset C.cruel D.considerate



  9.A.close B.Chinese C.Italian D.new



  10.A.explain B.apologize C.whisper D.scream



  11.A.answer B.notice C.hesitate D.understand



  12.A.support B.spread C.recite D.announce



  13.A.crowded B.faded C.sank D.divided



  14.A.yet B.such C.necessary D.normal



  15.A.escaped B.disappeared C.suffered D.relaxed



  16.A.take over B.take on C.take off D.take in



  17.A.delivering B.sending C.introducing D.inviting



  18.A.welfare B.innocence C.concern D.attitude



  19.A.when B.which C.that D.why



  20.A.differently B.immediately C.strangely D.roughly



















  Of all the precious gift I have received in my life, I value a mask from a stranger more.



  Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, people are requiring to wear masks on buses in China. Therefore, I forgot to wear one on the day that I had a vital exam. As I was stopped by the bus driver, I realized that I will be late for the exam. I nearly burst into tears while an old woman next to me handed me a mask, and she told me not worry. Thanks to the precious gift, I finally attended that exam in the time.



  The mask represents not only Chinese people's determination to prevent and control the epidemic, but our great qualities of helping each other and get over all the difficulties we may face together.






  Governments around the world may create “vaccine(疫苗)passports” to help open up societies. The passport would be a record of the holder 22.(get)the COVID-19 vaccine. It could be downloaded on a smartphone or it could be added to the microchip in identity 23.(card). Businesses such as restaurants and theatres might require people to show their passport before they enter. People may also need one 24.(enter)some places to watch sporting events. Supporters of the passports say it would also allow people to travel overseas more 25.(easy). The World Health Organization is looking at a possible international plan, 26. would require countries to agree on what kind of passport is necessary.



  People who are 27. vaccine passports say they are unfair and could create inequality in society. Many people do not want 28. vaccine. Some people say it goes against their religion. Other people do not trust the vaccine and say it 29.(test)enough and is therefore unsafe. Some people worry about the 30.(secure)of their health data. These people may not be able to go to restaurants or get on airplanes. In addition, the vaccine is not 31.(avail)to everyone in the world. A professor said, “For many low-income countries, most people won't be vaccinated for many years.”





阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。



  Traveling to foreign countries 32. (consider) exciting and educational. Not only can you pick up new languages and have a taste 33. local cuisine, but you can get to admire some of the world’s most beautiful art and architecture.



  Since the coronavirus pandemic 34. (go) viral, traveling has become quite difficult. Very early in the first lockdown, museums, theatres, and zoos started hosting virtual tours, 35. (bring) the exhibits and performances into peopled living rooms through their high-speed internet connections.



  According to Forbes, Google 36. (search) for the term virtual tour reached 1,300 in February 2020. In March that year when the first lockdown began, the number increased to 37. (approximate) 10,000. And it kept rising as people continued to stay at home.



  Currently, the pandemic 38. prevents people from going abroad is still prevailing throughout the world. So 39. your heart wants to enjoy the live concert in Sydney, wander through the 40. (crowd) alleys in Beijing, or check out the magnificent fountains in Rome, you can take 41. virtual city tour to explore to your heart’s content.


























  1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:2月4日,当中国出生的商人卢卡·周(Luca Zhou)从中国飞回意大利普拉托与家人团聚时,他把自己直接关在卧室里隔离了14天,与妻子和儿子分开。A. appointed任命;B. kept保存;C. interrupted打断;D. separated分开。根据“he put himself straight into quarantine in his bedroom for 14 days,”可知,因为要隔离14天,所以与妻儿分开。故选D。

  2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我们了解了新冠肺炎疫情,知道我们的祖国正在发生什么,我们为自己、我们的家人和朋友担心,”56岁的他说,他的公司向中国出口意大利葡萄酒。A. happening发生;B. storing存储;C. developing发生;D. considering考虑。根据“We had learned about the COVID-19 disease”可知,卢卡·周了解了新冠肺炎疫情,知道中国发生了什么。故选A。

  3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“我们了解了新冠肺炎疫情,知道我们的祖国正在发生什么,我们为自己、我们的家人和朋友担心,”56岁的他说,他的公司向中国出口意大利葡萄酒。A. surprised惊讶的;B. afraid害怕的;C. eager渴望的;D. ashamed羞愧的。根据“We had learned about the COVID-19 disease and known what was ___2___ in our homeland”可知,因为疫情,卢卡·周为自己、家人和朋友担心。故选B。

  4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我们了解了新冠肺炎疫情,知道我们的祖国正在发生什么,我们为自己、我们的家人和朋友担心,”56岁的他说,他的公司向中国出口意大利葡萄酒。A. business生意;B. mission使命;C. problem问题;D. tradition传统。根据“exporting Italian wine to China.”可知,卢卡·周做意大利葡萄酒出口到中国的生意。故选A。

  5.考查介词词义辨析。句意:解除自我隔离后,他戴着口罩和手套走了出去。A. through通过;B. in在……里面;C. from来自;D. for为了。emerge from脱离。根据语境可知,这里指卢卡·周解除自我隔离。故选C。

  6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:解除自我隔离后,他戴着口罩和手套走了出去。A. vest背心;B. mask口罩;C. blanket毯子;D. ambulance救护车。根据“He said the few other Chinese on the ___7___ also wore them, ___8___ not to communicate the virus to others.”和常识可知,卢卡·周出门带口罩和手套。故选B。

  7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他说,街上的其他几个中国人也戴着口罩,担心把病毒传染给别人。A. courts庭院;B. yards院子;C. poles杆;D. streets街道。根据“___8___ not to communicate the virus to others.”可知,只有在大街上才担心病毒传播。故选D。

  8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他说,街上的其他几个中国人也戴着口罩,担心把病毒传染给别人。A. anxious焦急的;B. upset沮丧的;C. cruel残忍的;D. considerate体贴的。根据“He said the few other Chinese on the ___7___ also wore them,”可知,戴口罩是因为担心把病毒传染给别人。故选A。

  9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的意大利朋友奇怪地看着我。A. close亲密的;B. Chinese中国的;C. Italian意大利的;D. new新的。根据“When Chinese-born businessman Luca Zhou flew home from China on Feb 4 to rejoin his family in Prato, Italy,”可知,卢卡·周从中国回到意大利,所以是意大利的朋友。故选C。

  10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我试了很多次向他们解释,他们应该戴上,但他们不理解。A. explain解释;B. apologize道歉;C. whisper低语;D. scream尖叫。根据“that they should wear them…”可知,卢卡·周向他的意大利朋友解释为什么要戴口罩。故选A。

  11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我试了很多次向他们解释,他们应该戴上,但他们不理解。A. answer回答;B. notice注意;C. hesitate犹豫;D. understand理解。根据“I tried many times to ___10___ to them that they should wear them…”和转折词but可知,卡·周的意大利朋友并不理解为什么要戴口罩。故选D。

  12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在中国过完新年假期回来后,许多人都清楚即将到来的事情,并传播了这个消息:待在家里。A. support支持;B. spread传播;C. recite背诵;D. announce宣布。根据“Back from new year holidays in China, many were fully aware what was coming”可知,因为在意大利的华人了解疫情,所以传播了“呆在家里”的消息。故选B。

  13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,当意大利人像往常一样涌向滑雪坡道,挤进咖啡馆和酒吧时,普拉托的中国居民似乎已经消失了。A. crowded拥挤;B. faded褪色;C. sank下沉;D. divided分开。根据“So as Italians headed to the ski slopes”可知,意大利人挤进咖啡馆和酒吧。故选A。

  14.考查形容词或副词词义辨析。句意:因此,当意大利人像往常一样涌向滑雪坡道,挤进咖啡馆和酒吧时,普拉托的中国居民似乎已经消失了。A. yet然而;B. such如此;C. necessary必要的;D. normal正常的。根据“the Chinese inhabitants (居民) of Prato had seemingly ___15___.”可知,这里与中国居民形成对比,指意大利人像往常一样涌向滑雪坡道,挤进咖啡馆和酒吧。故选D。

  15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,当意大利人像往常一样涌向滑雪坡道,挤进咖啡馆和酒吧时,普拉托的中国居民似乎已经消失了。A. escaped逃离;B. disappeared消失;C. suffered遭受;D. relaxed放松。根据“stay home.”和“So as Italians headed to the ski slopes and ___13___ into cafes and bars as ___14___,”可知,因为中国居民都呆在家里,所以似乎消失了。故选B。

  16.考查动词短语辨析。句意:随着意大利感染病例在2月底和3月初开始增多,一些家庭(其中许多家庭仍拥有中国公民身份)甚至开始把孩子送到在中国的亲戚那里,他们对周围意大利人的态度和行为感到警惕。A. take over接受;B. take on呈现;C. take off起飞;急增;D. take in吸收。根据“many of whom keep Chinese citizenship, even began ___17___ children to relatives in China,”可知,意大利感染病例开始增急增。故选C。

  17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着意大利感染病例在2月底和3月初开始增多,一些家庭(其中许多家庭仍拥有中国公民身份)甚至开始把孩子送到在中国的亲戚那里,他们对周围意大利人的态度和行为感到警惕。A. delivering递送;B. sending发送;C. introducing介绍;D. inviting邀请。根据“alarmed at the ___18___ and behavior of Italians around them.”可知,一些家庭把孩子送到在中国的亲戚那里。故选B。

  18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着意大利感染病例在2月底和3月初开始增多,一些家庭(其中许多家庭仍拥有中国公民身份)甚至开始把孩子送到在中国的亲戚那里,他们对周围意大利人的态度和行为感到警惕。A. welfare福利;B. innocence清白;C. concern关心;D. attitude态度。根据“behavior of Italians around them.”可知,这里指意大利人对待疫情的态度和行为。故选D。

  19.考查强调句。句意:不久,这种疾病夺走了许多人的生命,也许就在那时,当地人开始意识到中国人的行为是多么不同和明智。本句为强调句,其结构是It is +强调部分 + that从句,句中强调时间状语then。故选C。

  20.考查副词词义辨析。句意:不久,这种疾病夺走了许多人的生命,也许就在那时,当地人开始意识到中国人的行为是多么不同和明智。A. differently不同地;B. immediately立即;C. strangely奇怪地;D. roughly粗略地。根据“wisely the Chinese were behaving”可知,当地的意大利人开始意识到中国人的行为是多么不同和明智。故选A。

  21.1.gift→gifts 2. more→most 3. requiring→required 4. Therefore→However 5. that→when 6. will→would 7. while→when 8. not后加to 9. 删掉the 10. get→getting




  1.考查名词复数。句意:在我生命中收到的所有珍贵礼物中,我更珍惜一个陌生人送给我的口罩。根据空前的Of all可知,空处应使用可数名词复数。故将gift改为gifts。

  2.考查副词最高级。句意:在我生命中收到的所有珍贵礼物中,我更珍惜一个陌生人送给我的口罩。根据空前的Of all可知,此处应使用most,表达“最”,修饰动词value。故将more改为most。



  5.考查定语从句关系词。句意:然而,我忘了在我有一个重要的考试那天戴一个。分析句子可知,应使用when引导定语从句,指代先行词the day,并在从句中作时间状语。故将that改为when。



  8.考查不定式的否定形式。句意:当我旁边的一个老太太递给我一个口罩时,我差点哭出来,她告诉我不要担心。tell sb. (not) to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“告诉某人(不)要做某事”。故在not后加to。

  9.考查固定搭配。句意:多亏了这份珍贵的礼物,我终于及时参加了那次考试。in time为固定搭配,意为“及时”。故删掉the。


  22.having got


  24.to enter





  29.hasn't been tested





  22.考查时态。句意:护照将是持有者接种新冠疫苗的记录。根据语境可知,这里是作后置定语,并且表示动作已经完成。故填having got。


  24.考查非谓语动词。句意:人们也可能需要一个能看体育赛事的地方。固定短语need sb to do需要某人做某事。故填to enter。



  27.考查介词。句意:反对疫苗护照的人表示,这是不公平的,可能会造成社会不平等。be against反对。故填against。


  29.考查时态与语态。句意:其他人不相信这种疫苗,说它还没有经过足够的测试,因此是不安全的。这里认为它不安全是因为它还没有经过测试,故这里是用完成时,且逻辑主语it与动词test是被动关系。故填hasn't been tested。



  32.is considered












  32.考查被动语态。句意:出国旅行被认为是令人兴奋且有教育意义的。分析句子,主语是动名词,属于抽象事物而非人,与consider(认为)构成被动关系,应用被动语态,且动名词作主语,视为第三人称单数,句子语境为一般现在时,综上填is considered。

  33.考查介词。句意:你不仅可以学习新的语言,品尝当地美食,还可以欣赏一些世界上最美丽的艺术和建筑。固定搭配have a taste of是“品尝……”,使用介词of,故填of。





  38.考查定语从句。句意:目前,阻止人们出国的疫情仍在世界各地肆虐。分析句子结构,谓语is前为主语部分,主语的中心语为the pandemic(疫情),其后接定语从句,修饰先行词the pandemic,先行词在从句中作主语,这是一种事物,故用关系代词which或that指代并引导定语从句,综上填which或that。




